I’m a Dutch artist and illustrator living in Turin, Italy.

The moment one observes, a judgment is already there. We look at a situation or person with an expectation and an assumption. What if we allow ourselves time to observe longer? 

I investigate how people relate to themselves, the Other and their environment. I myself as a maker and the viewer are confronted with how we look, have expectations and judge. Can we delay our first interpretation, observe slowly and become more connected to everything around us?

Since 2015 I’m the co-founder of Dutch brand -Afternoon Stories-.


2004 – 2007
Nimeto MBO
IDEB (Interior, decoration, exterior and protection)
The Netherlands

2010 – 2014

Willem de Kooning Academy
Bachelor of Fine Art in Education
The Netherlands

Nominations & Exhibitions

‘Drempelprijs’ 2014
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Exhibition ‘The eye of the beholder’ May 2023
Tagli e Dettagli, Turin, Italy

Exhibition ‘The eye of the beholder’ June 2023
Il carlino ubriaco, Turin, Italy

4th place at Concorso di Pittura tema LIBERO Moncalvo, Italy 2023

Exhibition ‘The eye of the beholder’ September 2023
Luoghi Comuni San Salvario – Eria 5 Petali, Turin, Italy

Paratissima ‘Unpredictable’ Novembre 2023
Turin, Italy

Theresi_art10,Artsgallery Simone Jansen 2024 Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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